Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Community College Students At Professor Keo Trang s...

Method: Participants: The participants in this study were community college students in professor Keo-Trang’s psychology classes. (N=46) The ages of the participants ranged from seventeen to forty-one years old (M=22.8; SD=4.66). Females outnumbered the males fourteen to thirty two. Two separate psychology classes completed the same study. The first class was a research and methods psychology class (N=24) who completed the study during the beginning of the class. The second class was an intro to psychology (N=22). Participation for this study was voluntary and motivated by the promise of course credit or extra credit. Procedure: Each participant of the study completed their packets in each of their classes. The front page of each†¦show more content†¦Participants responded to each of the 29 items on this questionnaire using a six-point Likert scale ranging from one (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). Each of the twenty nine individual answers we added up and divided by the number of questions. Higher scores on the study indicated higher levels of happiness. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was developed by sociologist Dr. Morris Rosenberg et al (1965). The RSES is the most popular, widely used self-esteem measuring scale. The Rosenberg scale has shown high reliability. If a participant is given the survey on different occasions, the results will be similar. This survey is a ten-item Likert type scale with items answered on a four-point scale from strongly agree, to strongly disagree. This scale measures self-esteem by asking respondents to reflect on their current feelings at the time of the survey. The self-image survey was a questionnaire that asked respondents to state their current feelings on their personal self-image. This survey was based off of a simple two point scale. The number one represented yes, and number two represented no. The higher the individuals score on the questionnaire, the lower self-image someone has on themselves. Results: A correlation analysis was conducted to determine the linear relationship between participants scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (M = 19.1; SD = 3.04) and the Oxford

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