Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Difference Between Baroque And Rococo Styles Essay Example For Students

Difference Between Baroque And Rococo Styles Essay Baroque and Rococo styles are movements in Europe around the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There are many advancements and developments , especially in scientific and philosophical areas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In that times , people begins to be less and less devoted to God beacuse of the Reform and Renaissence movements. There are also many changings and advancements in European Art. Both these styles , the Baroque and Rococo , are important because of reflecting these changing times. In these styles, there are more color and more emotion than previous ones. Although the Rococo style is considered as the continuation of the Baroque, there are differences between two styles in some ways. The Baroque style is a movement in European painting which is characterized by violent movement, strong emotion, and dramatic lighting and coloring, around the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. This style reflects the changings times very well. In those times people begins to be less religionist so subjects in art becomes less and less religious. The Baroque style first appears in Italy but it spreads fastly to the other European countries because it is very naturalistic , easily understandable and effective. Catholicism is the source of the Baroque style. There is Catholics Idealism. In those times , Catholic Church wants to regain otority and respect so the church orders painters to depict religious topics because the church wants to regain respect from the mass . They appeal only high class and then they also want to appeal the middle class and the Baroque style is occurred . Moreover , there is always a sense of actions and dramatic effect . The dramatic effect makes people understand the overt emotion . Furthermore , feeling of passion is very important point of drama illuminated with light . Also , using of colors and contrast of light and shade are very important in the Baroque style. Another characteristic of the Baroque style is the using of heavy brush strokes. The using of brush strokes gives people enormous sense of movement, energy, and tension. Also, in the Baroque paintings there are spiritual themes such as ghosts and martyrs . The most important artists of the Baroque style are Caravaggio, Rembrandt , Ruben and Bernini. Rococo style is a movement which flourishes in France and in the early eighteenth century . The style is characterized by a free , graceful movement , a playful use of line , and delicate colors . Although some people considers the Rococo style as a continuation of the Baroque , particularly in the use of light and shadow and compositional movement , the Rococo style has some differences . For example , unlike the Baroque , the Rococo has almost no religious subjects . Moreover , the Rococo emphasis on the carefree lifestyle of the aristocracy while the Baroque emphasis on spiritual themes such as martyrs . While in the Baroque style , life is empty and futile , the Rococo finds humor in life . Also , in the Rococo style , love and romance subjects are mostly used rather than historical and religious subjects which are seen in the Baroque style . In the Rococo style , there are also such common themes as mythology , portraiture , romance , genre and pastoral . Unlike the Baroque , active brushwork , delicate lines and pastel colors are used typically in the Rococo . Also , form is important in the Rococo style . The most important artists of the Rococo style are Jean-Antoine Watteau , Jean-Honorà © Fragonard and Jean Baptiste Simà ©on Chardin . To conclude , we see the characteristics of the two important styles , Boraque and Rococo , which emerges in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries . Although they are seen as the continuation of each other , they have many differences such as their subjects , themes , techniques , etc . Thus we understand they are different styles through the writing .

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